Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

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Friday, September 07, 2001
Pupils' Poverty Drives Achievement Gap

The data indicated that the performance of individual students differed dramatically depending upon the overall level of poverty in the school they attend.

Lower-income students performed their worst at schools where the student population was overwhelmingly poor. But when lower-income students attended schools where most of the students were more affluent, they achieved higher scores -- matching or exceeding the county average.

Very interesting piece. I've become quite interested in education policy recently -- not exactly sure why -- which led me to pick up the most recent edition of Harpers. I'm very glad I did, because their roundtable on the "design and redesign of American education" was one of the most fascinating things I've read in a while. It's not online (yet) but it's worth plucking down your $5 for.


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