Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

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Monday, November 19, 2001
Hilarious interview with Jerry Falwell in the Washington Post. This man is such a buffoon, albeit a buffoon of notable scumbagitude.

Some choice excerpts:

Re: the infamous 9.11 blame comments [listen]: "In my listing of groups and persons who might have assisted in the secularization of America, I unforgivably left off the list a sleeping church, Jerry Falwell, etc. . . . It was a pure misstatement, unintentional, and I apologize for it uncategorically."

[Here I wish to point out that there is no such word as "uncategorically"; "categorically" means "without any qualification whatsoever" so "uncategorically" implies "with all kinds of qualifications, evasions and caveats". That may not be the OED's definition, but whatever. -ed.]

"A lot of it was weariness and really anger over what happened to the country. And I didn't complete what I was going to say. If I added the church as one of the offenders -- a sleeping church that is not praying enough -- it would have been acceptable."
Er, actually, no, it wouldn't have been.

"A gay minister named Mel White told the story of how Falwell hosted 200 gay activists for a weekend at Liberty University. "Mel White says Jerry Falwell is the only religious leader to invite us in," Falwell says, proudly. "Then he qualified that by saying, 'He didn't listen to us.' Well, I didn't invite them in to listen to them. I invited them in to talk to them." Heh. That tells you so much about the type of person he is, right there Beavis.

"The Rev. Jerry Falwell says even Osama Bin Laden's soul could be saved if he converted to Christianity -- but he would still deserve to be killed."

Naturally, Falwell is raising money off the backs of the the country's outrage at his statements, urging followers to send in an extra gift of $50 or $100 to fend off "Satan's darts" that could be going to firefighters, victims families, or any of the arts organizations and charities who've seen their funding fall off a cliff since 9.11.


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