Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

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Friday, November 30, 2001
It would take days of writing to do justice to how I feel about George Harrison and his work. I don't have that much time, and I'm unwilling to attempt anything less than that, so rather than express my full appreciation, I'm just going to make a few discrete observations.

Something, Here Comes The Sun, While My Guitar Gently Weeps -- sure. But what about I Want To Tell You? The Inner Light? Crackerbox Palace? Heading For The Light? If I Needed Somone? Let It Down? What about sodding Sail Away Raymond??

Whole genres were founded on his guitar playing. Roger McGuinn saw George playing a 12-string in A Hard Day's Night and thought "hmmm".

The guitar on "And Your Bird Can Sing" -- that was George Harrison. (The guitar on "Taxman" -- that wasn't him.)

George was putting together charity concerts before it was cool. He also brought The Life Of Brian and Withnail And I into the world. For that alone, Western culture owes him a great debt.

George was a grumpy fucker.

George always kept things in perspective.

This is what made it hit home for me: Sonnet and I flipping channels at 8 this morning, and seeing a clip of George, in 1997, asked by VH1's John Fugelsang to play an impromptu song..."maybe a Beatle song?..." George gives him an amused look and says, "I'd rather do one of mine, if that's all right..." and then begins strumming and singing "All Things Must Pass"....

It made me feel better, while watching CNN's coverage, to know that there were thousands of Beatles fanatics like me, all around the world who at that very moment were saying in unison "Why in the *hell* are they playing "Baby It's You" under that footage of George?" People whose love of and need for The Beatles' music is the closest they will ever come to religion.

Beware Of Darkness (demo) -- George Harrison (3.1MB)


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