Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

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Friday, November 16, 2001
Man, did anyone catch the painfully obvious product placement on Will And Grace last night? How awkward was the shoehorning of the word "XBox" into the scene? What narrative justification was there for setting that scene set in a game room? How lame was the "Oh, there's a game called the XBox" joke? How degrading was it for the actors to partake in such a poorly executed pitch?

At least the Banana Republic one a few months ago was woven into the story reasonably well. That was because Banana Republic is believable as a feature of these characters' lives, but gaming on the hot new console is clearly something these characters would have absolutely no interest in. Yet the demographics of the W&G audience were just too compelling for Microsoft, so they tried to jam it in there, no matter how insultingly.


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