Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

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Tuesday, November 20, 2001
Pat Robertson was interviewed by Paula Zahn on CNN this morning, and I was gobsmacked when the segment ended without her asking him about his atrocious comments in the wake of 9.11! How could she just ignore it? How could it just not come up??

Instead they engaged in some jocular banter, he defended supervisors' involvements in work prayer groups by disparaging sensitivity training and "gurus teaching transcendental meditation", and then accused Bush of caving to the Dems on economic issues. "Am I supposed to be honest on these shows?" he wheezed, heaving with self-congratulatory laughter, before accusing Bush of being too liberal. I don't think you are supposed to be honest on these shows, Pat -- you get in a lot of trouble when you let the mask slip.

Put me off my breakfast, it did.

Oh, and Billy Graham's kid has been running off at the mouth too. What's wrong with these people? Where are the high-profile moderate Christian leaders? Why aren't they as prominent as the evangelical nutcases?


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