Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

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Wednesday, November 14, 2001
This increment's MP3-Of-The-Time-Increment is a gorgeous version of Embraceable You from the album The Essential Jo Jones (which my lovely wife bought me for my birthday). I'm very familiar with Papa Jo and his dazzling work for Count Basie and others, but some of the other players on this track are new to me -- and their contributions were so enjoyable that I felt compelled to share the discovery.

The first thing you'll notice is the gracefully mournful tone of trombonist Bennie Green as he weaves his slidey magic all over the first few minutes of the track. I was not familiar with Mr Green (unless Bennie Green is Urbie Green's nom de 'bone [and I can understand wanting to take a little breather from the name "Urbie"]), but I now know that he recorded for Prestige and Blue Note in the '50s and that a few of his records are available for download/burning via my soon-to-lapse EMusic subscription.

Then comes a lovely airy solo from pianist Nat Pierce followed by a sleepy turn from trumpeter Emmett Berry and the smoky tenor stylings of Lucky Thompson. Lucky's one of those peeps that always grab my attention when they waft over the hi-fi, but that I never follow up on.

Anyway, Bennie finishes it off with panache and the track is over, Papa Jo having subtly brushed his way through another one. Listening to it again, the performance is not really anything unusual -- just melody and atmosphere, performed by musicians with soul and class. There were hundreds of great jazz sessions like this in the '50s -- not revolutionary, not Important, but nonetheless bursting at the seams with musicality. Anyway, here it is, all 6.2MB of it. Hope you enjoy, and I'll see you next time.... [winks].


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