Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

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Friday, June 03, 2005
The BBC Philharmonic is performing all 9 of Beethoven's symphonies over the next month, and the BBC is going to hook you up with free MP3s of the performances.

My favorites are 4 (so underrated), 5, 6 and 8. 9 isn't too shabby either. 1 and 2 are quite beautiful, 3 is a fire-breathing baby-eater of a symphony, and 7 is just so durn lovable. So get them all.

If you are a novice and are looking for something to hang your hat on, the ones you've probably heard on cartoons (let's face it, the greatest introduction to classical music there is) are the 5th, possibly bits of the 6th, and the 9th.

Incidentally, BBC Radio 3 has a live stream that is real nice for listening to during the workday.


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