Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

I get to be as self-indulgent as I want without wasting anyone's time. Guilt-free solipsism -- excellent!

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Some things I've been digging on lately:

Taylor Branch -- Parting The Waters. Martin Luther King was a pretty admirable individual. Who knew?

My Squeezebox, of course.

The Mighty Boosh

-- a deeply silly British sitcom. It's on BBC America occasionally.

The Squid and The Whale.

Watching West Ham battle their way to a Top 10 place in the Premiership, against all odds and with absolutely no right to do so.

Satsumas (thanks, Mum!)

Stephen Colbert.

Beethoven (woke up to one of his bagatelles on the radio early yesterday morning...its beauty left me immobilized. And prostrate. And snoring. For about 15 minutes. )

My wife.

Adam's hijinks

Jenny Lewis's solo album.

Unexpected bursts of productivity at work that ameliorate that horrible sense of perma-anguish over all the undone tasks (still working on being a better GTD acolyte).

What's floating your respective boats at the moment?
