Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

I get to be as self-indulgent as I want without wasting anyone's time. Guilt-free solipsism -- excellent!

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Wednesday, April 03, 2002
A great contribution from Lisa:

Foretold day arrives
Anticipation is worse
Hey! Freedom-Hey dey!

Hey dey indeed. This whole staying home thing isn't so bad. It's a gorgeous Park Slope spring morning, I had a bagel and a delicious cup of coffee from Ozzies, we're having lunch with Jeff in a while, I'm getting to spend lots of time with my wife, I'm no longer spinning my wheels in a job where I wasn't learning anything, and I'm listening to even more recently discovered Nick Drake outtakes while looking for another job. In the meantime, if anyone could use some smart, creative internet marketing strategy on a freelance basis, give me a shout (hey, you never know).

And I've just received a haiku from Bekkah, acknowledged queen of the form:

what do the boss know?
cut off nose to spite their face
chickens with no heads


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