Using Bees To Effect Vengeance

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Tuesday, December 24, 2002
Joe Strummer is dead.

Joe *was* The Clash, and therefore *was* punk rock. And therefore *was* the driving force behind the aesthetic/unarticulated philosophy that completely dominates the way white kids of my generation, the one before mine, and the one after mine perceive art, culture and morality. Plus he inspired so many people to form bands -- even his choice of a stage name reflected that anti-elitist approach to art (and encapsulated his sense of humor). Given that he personified punk, it's ironic that he was the one who pushed punk forward, integrating reggae and R&B and hip-hop and f'in zydeco. But then that's even more punk, isn't it? I'm so grateful that I got to see him on a recent tour with the Mescaleros in New York. Hearing some of those Clash songs played live sent chills down my spine. Joe Strummer was someone to look up to. He had integrity.
His death is a huge loss.

His family have requested that donations be made to Nelson Mandela's foundation attempting to raise awareness of AIDS in Africa. At his death, he was working on a song with Bono to benefit the foundation.

I'm not at home, so I can't post any MP3s, but do yourself a favor and raise a glass to Joe while listening to The Magnificent Seven or Koka Kola or Straight To Hell.


Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Where in the bloody hell have I been all this time? Don't ask.

I did, however, manage to get off my arse and post some Dexter pictures. But where's the sparkling wit, the riveting narrative, the trenchant insight I've come to rely on for meaning in this swirling, centerless universe, you implore? Buggered if I know. Here are the puppy pictures.

I'd like to think I'll post a Top 10 list or something in the near future, for what that's worth.

Congrats to Meetup for passing 100,000 members.

MP3 Of The Time Increment: Mysteries, by Beth Gibbons and Rustin Man. Beth is the singer for Portishead, Rustin Man is a bloke from Talk Talk. Nice stuff.

I can be spotted in the flash demo for the new Dell handheld (click on the link to the Flash Tour in the left nav). Which one is me? How did I even end up in this thing? Ah-hah!

The new Bond film was disappointing. You know why? They committed the cardinal sin of Bond films -- they got the tone wrong. The theme song by Madonna didn't have the requisite John Barry sounded like her new single, not like a Bond theme. The double entendres were more explicit than campy. The invisible car is more fantastical than amusingly far-fetched. It's a shame because the last couple have got the formula spot on. Oh well...only a couple years until the next one.

West Ham are appalling this year. Really puts a downer on my weekends. Yet to win a match at home, and it's already December. I could wheel my grandmother out, strap some cleats on her, and watch proudly as she instructed Christian Dailly on how to defend against set pieces.


Thursday, December 12, 2002
How long has it been since you played Donkey Kong Jr?

(I do feel compelled to point out that, at least in our neck of the woods at the time, the game you can play here was definitely known as Donkey Kong II, not DKJ. DKII was Mark's...I was given Mario Bros that year, and Mich got Rain Shower. Rain Shower and Mario Bros were essentially identical, except Rain Shower was blue and involved laundry and birds, while Mario Bros was burgundy and involved Italians and rectangles. I did own Donkey Kong Jr, though, and loved was the fastest and most fun of all the Nintendo games.

My school was rife with such games, and all the kids who had them used to play on each other's at lunch. For most of that year, I of course didn't have one, and scarce were the colleagues generous enough to let someone else play their game sans recompense. Lo those many months when I was game-less! The best I could do was beg someone to let me play Snoopy Tennis for a few minutes. Later on, when the bus to Hadley Wood started leaving at 4:15 rather than 3:30, I opted to become an after-school monitor since I was hanging around school anyway. This primarily entailed me and another boy going through our classmates bags after everyone had left and playing their video games for 45 minutes. )
